Program Model For The 2022 Intake Of Parents And Grandparents Applications

Do you have parents or grandparents who want to come to Canada? The Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP) is a great way for them to immigrate. But it can be confusing to know what the requirements are and how to apply.

The PGP has different requirements depending on whether you’re applying as a parent or grandparent. And the Program model is changing for the 2022 intake, so it’s important to stay up-to-date. Here’s everything you need to know about the Parents and Grandparents Program for the upcoming intake.

Interest to Sponsor form

From October 13- November 3, 2020, potential sponsors had the opportunity to show their interest in sponsoring parents or grandparents by submitting an Interest to Sponsor form on IRCC’s website.This form is not exactly a sponsorship application. From among those who successfully submitted an Interest to Sponsor form in 2020 and were not selected to apply as part of the 2020 or 2021 intakes, the Department will randomly select potential sponsors and invite them to submit a sponsorship application as part of the 2022 intake.

1 Round Of Invitations Only

As there isn’t much time really, the 2022 intake of parents’ and grandparents’ applications will follow a single round of invitations only. IRCC will randomly select all applicants from the remaining pool of Interest to Sponsor forms in 2020.

How Will Applications Be Prioritized

Applications to sponsor parents and grandparents will still be processed by IRCC according to the first in, first out principle. That means if you apply first, your application will be processed before any other applications submitted later. This is a fair system that ensures everyone has an equal chance of getting approved.

Intake Based On Randomized Selection

IRCC will use a randomized selection process to take applications for the 2022 intake. The Ministerial Instructions authorize the use of a randomized selection intake process and specify how many applications the Department can accept for processing in one calendar year.

Invitation To Apply Letters

Potential sponsors will receive an Invitation to Apply letter, which invites them to submit a sponsorship and permanent residence application package. IRCC will send out 23,100 Invitation to Apply letters for the 2022 intake with the goal of accepting up to 15,000 complete applications. However, this number is expected to be greater as not everyone who receives an invitation letter submits an application.

Those invited to apply will have a minimum of 60 days from the date they receive their Invitation to Apply letter. They must submit both their sponsorship application and permanent residence application package within this time frame. All applications for the 2022 intake window must be received by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) no later than December 24, 2022, at 11:59 pm EST.

Supporting documents

To be considered for the 2022 intake, potential sponsors must provide IRCC with a variety of documents and forms. These include:

– Proof of status in Canada (e.g., Permanent Resident Card)

– Identification documents (e.g., passport, Canadian birth certificate)

– Financial documents (e.g., tax returns, proof of income)

– Letters of invitation from the sponsored person(s), if applicable

– Sponsorship agreement

– passport page with the following details:

  • number
  • date of issue and expiration
  • photo
  • first name
  • surname
  • place and date of birth

– Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS)

Validation Of Application

The CN agent will look over the 2020 Interest to Sponsor Forms and compare the information about the potential sponsor with what is on file. This includes confirming the name, date of birth, address, country of birth, and status in Canada document number. If an agent scans the barcode on an Invitation to Apply letter that an applicant submits with their application, they will be able to find the 2020 Interest to Sponsor form. From there, 3 possible scenarios can occur:

  • an exact match is found
  • a partial match is found
  • no similar entry is found

If the information on the 2020 Interest to Sponsor form differs from that of the sponsorship application, then the latter must include an explanation for why the info changed, as well as sufficient proof that the application pertains to the same potential sponsor referenced in the 2020 Interest to Sponsor form.


The 2022 Parents and Grandparents Program application process is unlike any other immigration program. The randomized selection process of potential sponsors shows the Government’s commitment to prioritizing family ties in Canada over other factors when it comes to selecting immigrants. Potential sponsors should stay informed of the latest updates with Choice Immigration. Contact us today to learn more about the documents and forms required for this intake so that they can hit the ground running once they are invited to submit an application. Good luck!

Published by choiceimmigration

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